Latest projects

Nuit #1

Anne Émond

  • 2011
  • Fiction
  • 91 min
  • 35mm
  • 1.37:1
  • colour

Clara, 28, a Québécoise elementary school teacher, meets Nikolaï, a 31-year-old Ukrainian artist, at a rave in a loft. Soon they find themselves passionately embracing in Nikolaï’s apartment. They make love. After Nikolaï falls asleep, Clara begins to rummage through his notebooks, takes a bath and, before leaving, photographs him with her cell phone. He wakes up, angry to see her depart so savagely, and launches into his own form of interrogation. He begins to itemize what he already knows about Clara, despite not even knowing her last name. He recounts how she kisses, the marks on her body… As the night progresses, Clara and Nikolai bare their fears, regrets, disappointments and feelings of alienation. An exploration of sex, intimacy and love, Night #1 is a film about despair, individualism and the anxieties of belonging. It exposes the potential of even the most fleeting encounters.


Catherine De Léan
Dimitri Storoge

Written and directed by
Anne Émond
Nancy Grant
Executive producer
Sylvain Corbeil
Director of photography
Mathieu Laverdière
Art director
Éric Barbeau
Yola Van Leeuwenkamp
Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
Simon Gervais
Original score
Martin M. Tétreault


Nomination, meilleur film, 14e Soirée des Jutra, Montréal, Québec, 2012
Nomination, meilleure réalisation, 14e Soirée des Jutra, Montréal, Québec, 2012
Nomination, meilleure actrice, 14e Soirée des Jutra, Montréal, Québec, 2012
Prix Claude-Jutra, 32e gala des prix Génie, Toronto, Ontario, 2012
Nomination, meilleure actrice, 32e gala des prix Génie, Toronto, Ontario, 2012
Pyrénée de la meilleure actrice, 2e Festival international du film de Pau, France, 2011
Prix de l’innovation-Daniel Langlois, 40e Festival du nouveau cinéma, 2011
Grand prix du jury, 28e Festival international du film francophone de Tübingen, Allemagne,
Best Canadian Feature Film, 30th Vancouver International Film Festival, 2011
Mention spéciale du Jury, 36th Toronto International Film Festival (Canada First), 2011


16th Busan International Film Festival, Corée du Sud, 2011
27e Festival international du cinéma francophone de Namur, Belgique, 2011
30th Vancouver International Film Festival, Canada, 2011
36th Toronto International Film Festival (Canada First), Canada, 2011

Distribution Canada

K-Films Amérique
210, avenue Mozart Ouest
Montréal (QC) H2S 1C4
T 514 277-2613
F 514 277-3598

Ventes Internationales

Wide Management
9, rue Bleue
75009 – Paris
T + 33 1 53 95 04 64
F + 33 1 53 95 04 65
